
sewing techniques & garment time

I have learned different sewing techniques for hand sewing and machine sewing. One of the techniques i learned for the machine is seam allowance, that is very important because when you are making garments or other stuff, someone will want a certain seam. The different measurements on the machine are 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1 1/4, and these other measurements are not on the machine and they are 5/8, 7/8 so you have to use a piece of tape to mark where it is so you don't mess up. Other techniques i know are for hand sewing and they are invisible slip stitch and whip stitch also herringbone stitch. All of these you are going to use for making garments and this takes time, so if you ever decide to try and make something you have to have the patience to learn the techniques and if you mess up you can't get angry because it will show in your work. Now that i know how long it takes to learn and make things i respect the fashion industry a lot more.


london fashion week

While i was watching the London fashion show i observed some of the clothing and i noticed some trends going on. The most i have seen in the show was a faux leather/fur jacket for both men and women. I also seen longer sleeves then usual and i know that is becoming a trend soon. The jumpers are becoming very popular because it is fall and since teenagers are always making things trendy we make them look fashionable.
In this picture of Niall Horan, he is wearing a jumper/sweatshirt. This is probably one of the main reasons why girls today wear jumpers, because of one direction. also because it looks very cute and adorable on him so we buy things like that because we want to be like them and be cute.


community service

Community service is important because it helps you gain skills such as collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking. When i was on the field trip to go to the annual quilt show in Morgan hill, you were always doing something. yeah we got breaks but we were really busy helping out, i think it was a good thing because it taught us how to think fast (critical thinking) when we had to figure out to set something up when it didn't work the first time. Communication is also one of the skills we needed to have to because we are always moving and we might need something so we really need to be listening which is what i did on the field trip. Collaboration is key to most things and that is the main thing we used before going to the field trip, to get the supplies we needed on to the bus we all had to work together because it was a lot of stuff and some of it was really heavy.



we all know that homecoming is just around the corner and girls are buying their dresses. but shhh, we all know we are really going to homecoming by ourselves. but anyways the dresses are what is really important. what i seen os really popular, and that is crop top and skirts as the homecoming dress. they are really beautiful and it is what is trending so if you are looking for a homecoming  dress this is what you should look at.


Hogwarts’ haute couture

The Harry Potter movies had some fashion going on that we didn't really know about. If you go read the article now (link right below) https://www.pottermore.com/features/hogwarts-haute-couture-greatest-fashion-moments-from-the-films  you will see that "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" is the one who set the future fashion trend with the caplets in 2017. In the movie you will see the girls uniforms, they have a dress paired with a caplet and a hat. you will even notice that in one of the films, the weasley's wear jumpers that are made by molly.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


emmy fashion

At the Emmy Awards it is the place to dress better than anyone. It also is where you can show up in the most fashionable trends right now. I noticed a few things in the dresses some celebrities wore, One of the trends is a one sleeve dress or shirt and two of the celebs wore a dress with one sleeve. I also noticed red statement dresses. Okay now lets look at the best and worst dressed at the Emmy awards, in the pic to the right top corner the worst dress is the floral print ball gown because it is not flattering at all and the deep plunge does not help at all. The black dress is actually cute but it doesn't work for her because she is pregnant and it doesn't flatter her. in the bottom right picture this dress is just beyond ugly, the colors don't go the tool has no texture to it and the top, thats a different story like what is the flap supposed to do and why the plunge, this dress is just a disaster. in the top right picture those two dresses are just amazing the sihloutte is nice, the flow is nice and flattering.the picture bottom left, these are amazing or should i say amaZAYN dresses, the dress nina dobrev is wearing is just so gorgeous, the mermaid style and sihlouette is so flattering on her its just awesome and the red compliments her. all the other dresses in the picture are amazing to they just go with them.  


Why have T-Shirts been popular styles with teens for a very long time? Do you think this will change anytime soon?

T-shirts have been popular since the 1930's when soldiers wore them as outer wear and took them home. teens everywhere noticed and started wearing them.t-shirts now are still very popular because of the designs and different styles they have. companies have been using the clothing as an advertisement for awhile even bands and singers use the t-shirt. i don't think this will change anytime soon because the t-shirt is a big part of everyone's fashion sense and it is used and worn all the time. 


What is avant-garde fashion? Why do you think many celebrities dress in avant-garde fashions" What celebrity behaviors support your thinking?

avant-garde fashion was created in the 1920's in japan. it is created with a strsight geometric or shapeless sihlouette. avant-garde describes the cutting-edge, innovative and extragavent flow in fashion. It doesn't fit genral accepted standards. i think that celebrities dress in avant-garde fashion because they want to be different from other celebrities. rihanna actually wore an avant-garde dress to the 2009 americas music awards.     


the style

your hair is a part of your style, therefore its a part of fashion. it can add on to the look you are going for or it can help make a statement that you were trying to send out through your clothes. i always do something with my hair, i went from brown my natural hair color to black then i went to purple. purple or any color is going to be risky but i always took the risk of doing something with my hair because i don't want to be the same and follow the crowd. so the style you choose, it doesn't have to be exactly the same as everyone else's and that's why i did something different and i became a trend setter because everyone started doing there hair after i did it.


How do you feel about what you read? Do you think there is room for different types of models on the runway? Why or why not? Do you think the runway at NYFW is a good place to bring awareness to global issues? Why or why not?

what i read i feel like NYFW  did something amazing by letting Reshma Quereshi still be in the runway fashion show after her accident. i really think there is room for other types of models on the runway because i feel like there aren't different body figures for every time a model comes out, they are all the same size and i just would like to see different body shapes instead of the stereotypical slim bodies. i think NYFW can be a good place to bring awareness for global issues because almost everyone is watching and if most of the population is watching then it spreads to the rest of the population. 



What is a fashion classic?

a fashion classic is were a style will never actually go out of style. like the trench coat she is wearing is a classic because its been worn for a really long time and its still being worn today except with different designs and colors. another one of fashions classics are tuxedos. they have always been in fashion and still are in fashion, yes they have changed over time as you see here with harry styles tuxedo; but the basic tuxedo is still in fashion.



a fashion trend is where an idol that everyone has will wear something that hasn't been worn and everyone will start wearing it. i think the celebrities are the real trend setters because they wear something and teens follow them in style, but i also think that teenagers set trends to because most of them don't follow the trend and wear what they want and someone will like it and others will notice and follow their fashion sense instead. i think the trend will most likely start in the smaller cities because you see their fashion sense a lot more then being in a bigger city, once you see their clothes you like it and you want to copy it , you even take pictures of the outfit to and post it so others will see it to. these outfits right here are fashion trends because of the style it has.


What "Needs" do you think Haute Couture satisfies?

There are many needs that clothing can satisfy, like physical, modesty, conformity, and attraction. Haute couture can fit into all the needs that i listed and i'm pretty sure it can fit into way more but i chose these specific needs because its what mostly matters in this generation. Haute couture can fit into physical needs because it can be stylish but it can be comfortable, you can wear a pair of joggers with a baggy off the shoulder crop top and some boots and still be comfortable. conformity is a big one with haute couture because everyone follows the fashion house trends and even what is trending with others.


What messages do you think you send through your clothing? What about other people? What messages do you think they send through the clothes they wear?

I think the messages I send through my clothing choices are all very unique. When I decide to wear a dress I feel like the message that is being sent is that I feel good about myself, but when I wear big t-shirts and leggings I'm putting a totally different message , saying that I feel insecure and unsure about myself. When I ask others opinions on the two different outfits they have different opinions obviously. When I get the answers back for the dress they give back positive comments and surprisingly I got good comments on the t-shirts and leggings. I think the message that they got was that I dress however i want and I don't care and I like that and I keep that in mind when I get ready.

Which couturier are you going to feature in your paper? Why did you choose this person to learn more about?

Alexander McQueen will be featuring in my essay that I will be writing. I chose him because I love his style, its very unique. 
This dress here is made by Alexander Mcqueen and lady gaga wore it to a MTV's music video awards in 2010. Nicki Minaj even wore a Alexander Mcqueen dress to a MTV movie awards show in 2014. both of the dresses are really nice and unique. i would love to learn how the process of making these dresses were for alexander.

In your opinion, is Haute Couture a dying art? Why or why not?

Haute Couture is not a dying art because fashion houses are still making a lot of couture and clothing is an everyday thing. You don't see anyone walking down the street without making a statement with their clothing because everyone has something to say without speaking.just like this dress here she is making a statement.