
Wedding Dresses from Toilet Paper!

    The wedding dress project was a way for us to break the ice and get to know each other and learn how to work with others. The design that we did was more of a geometric and architectural feel. I learned that lines can make a huge difference for the physical appearance of the body, and the design itself and how it is strategically placed either can keep the eyes stuck on one spot or keep the eyes moving and i feel like our design keeps the eyes moving. The train on the dress was the hardest part of the dress because we put all the flowers on individually and we made them all, but we had the idea to have two people making them and two people putting them on and it worked out perfectly. As i mentioned before the lines that have been used in this design are vertical,horizontal, diagonal and curved. vertical lines can make a person appear taller and narrow, horizontal lines make the eyes move from side to side and make someone appear wider and shorter but the only thing that is effected is the wider part, diagonal lines give the illusion of height, and curved lines can achieve different effects.

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