
"Haute Couture"

 Most of the time haute couture is misinterpreted, but that's ok because we all do it sometimes. Haute couture is a piece made by hand with expensive fabrics, different hand techniques and only by experienced sewers. haute couture also has really nice details which can be really time consuming. Haute couture doesn't always refer to clothing, it can refer to the fashion designers or fashion houses that create the looks. that is why you will see couture added to a fashion designers and fashion house's names at the end. when you are going to call a piece haute couture, it really isn't haute couture until it goes through criteria. you would have to make a design made to order for a private client and make a ton of fittings, have a workshop in paris that employs at least 15 staff full time, 20 full time technical people in one work place, and you have to present a collection of 50 original designs to the public both day and night garments for every season in January and july of each year. The list of designers who create haute couture isn't that big. Ellie Saab, Karl Lagerfeld, Versace, Christian Dior and Chanel are some big names who produce haute couture. Considering that you have to make a haute couture piece by hand, it takes a really long time. It would take 100 to 700 hours to create just one couture dress. due to the amount of time put into the piece, it would cost about $10,000 or up to $60,000.



What 'needs' do you think clothing satisfies? Physical Needs?Emotional Needs? Other Needs?

I think you can use clothes as an outlet to express who you are or you can try and fit in to a certain group so you won't be judged. clothing is also expressed during all the seasons, like during the summer you would wear shorts, tank tops, short sleeved shirts, crop tops, dresses, skirts or anything to keep cool. even though you dress with the seasons you also try and wear something your style or try to keep up with the fashion trends, but it doesn't have to be that way. I think that the emotional needs of clothes are important because your clothes obviously state who you are, so I think that clothing satisfies emotional needs. I feel like you have to be emotionally satisfied in my opinion because you can dress really nice or cute but you probably won't feel attached to it or won't feel like it's you.  


In your opinion, does wearing school uniforms increase learning? reduce violence? reduce stereotyping and prejudice?

I think that school uniforms effect your learning sometimes, only because we aren't really paying any attention to clothes during class if we are wearing uniforms there is no use to look at them, so we end up paying attention in class. I guess you can say that that it does reduce violence because nobody is judging you for what you are wearing and there are less fights based on name calling. I honestly don't think that it reduces stereotyping at all. when you put a uniform on you are expected to not get in trouble or even getting called things that you shouldn't be called, I feel like you are expected to do so much good just by wearing a uniform but in my opinion it just pushes  you to do bad things. there are just to many  stereotypes about uniforms, its like oh cool you aren't wearing that dark emo outfit or that dress that shows to much so now you can get good grades and you wont get in trouble.



What do you think your clothes say about you?


     I think my clothes say different  things all the time because i dress according to my mood and my moods are different everyday. One day i can feel confident about myself so i would wear a dress or a cute pair of jeans and a cute t-shirt. The next day i could be moody so i would wear dark jeans, black baggy graphic t-shirt and combat boots. Or i can feel really insecure so i would wear jeans that fit but comfortable and wear shirts that aren't so tight. So i think my clothes can say that i love the way i am and feel confident, I'm cranky and i don't care what anyone has to say or i don't know if this is cute i hope everyone likes the way i look today.

Why did you choose to study fashion? What do you hope to learn by taking a fashion class?

 I chose to study fashion because fashion is an everyday thing and it's what you choose to wear to show how you feel according to your mood, but it is also just to feel confident. Fashion is always changing but that doesn't mean you have to jump on the fashion trend. I feel like you should be able to dress how you want and that is part of the reason why i chose fashion. While i take this class i hope to learn more about why people dress a certain way and how to put together a design to make an outfit. Fashion is a learning process and i'm really excited to see what i can do during this class.