
In your opinion, does wearing school uniforms increase learning? reduce violence? reduce stereotyping and prejudice?

I think that school uniforms effect your learning sometimes, only because we aren't really paying any attention to clothes during class if we are wearing uniforms there is no use to look at them, so we end up paying attention in class. I guess you can say that that it does reduce violence because nobody is judging you for what you are wearing and there are less fights based on name calling. I honestly don't think that it reduces stereotyping at all. when you put a uniform on you are expected to not get in trouble or even getting called things that you shouldn't be called, I feel like you are expected to do so much good just by wearing a uniform but in my opinion it just pushes  you to do bad things. there are just to many  stereotypes about uniforms, its like oh cool you aren't wearing that dark emo outfit or that dress that shows to much so now you can get good grades and you wont get in trouble.


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