
Guest speaker on Johnson & Wales University

Today, my class had a guest speaker, Jill Naughton, come in and talk about the private school Johnson & Wales College. You can find this college located in Providence, North Carolina, Denver and Charlotte. JWU has a different education than other schools, but i am sure there are similar places that teach the same way, but JWU has a hands on education. Johnson & Wales was opened up in 1914 and it has 44 programs, in 18 countries. there are 3,000 campus sites that you can find. You can find many different programs and majors at this college it is just awesome. If you are a junior in high school like i am, you will still be able to apply now, and when you apply they will grant you a scholarship.


function vs. design

Function and design are two key components when it comes to prototyping. The only thing that i think that's important and i would put first is function, then i would put design after. There might be a chance that you make a design but it can't be used because the function of it sucks. Sometimes the design and function of it can work great. The video i watched of function and design helped me a lot because my group product is based on this and we already made prototypes and tested them and the design is great and the function is amazing.


Fast Fashion

I learned that most of the clothing that we buy and wear at very low costs sometimes can  be made by workers, mostly women and can be payed pennies a day for what they make. The article that i read, i learned that some women were trying to form a group to fight for higher wages, instead of winning they got taken to a separate room and were beaten. Learning about this makes me really sad because how are we supposed to have equality and rights to work, then have other places around the world not have this at all, this makes me want to fight for them because its not fair. reading about this makes me really think differently about fashion and how it's produced. i really think this is a huge problem that needs to be changed, and the we as consumers have a big responsibility towards this because we keep going to the places that sell things for less and give those factories more power to keep abusing their business just for the money.


Cyber Monday

Alice in Nappyland
Cyber Monday is like black Friday but on line. It usually happens on the Monday after black Friday. You can shop at any store online and find many deals which is pretty cool. These shoes could be sold out anywhere but you will probably find them online somewhere or something similar.
Strawberriespls Fashion


Black Friday

"Black Friday" wasn't originally for the sales after thanksgiving. It was on September 24, 1869 when the financial crisis happened,the U.S. gold market crashed. Two financiers, Jay Gould and Jim Fisk worked together and bought as much gold and hoped to bring up the price an d get some profit out of it. They didn't realize that it would finally unravel  and send the stock market into a free fall and everyone being left with bankruptcy. The story we hear now for "Black Friday" is  the most inaccurate version but it's always good to learn something new. I honestly think that back then it was a bad thing considering the history behind it, but now i don't think it is, sometimes it can become chaotic and dangerous which i think is kind of scary because there are some teenagers or children out that late and they can get hurt. there were a few times i was involved in black friday but i personally don't like it.        



trendy hair

 Short hair is becoming more popular lately, and i am not saying this just because, the only reason i bring this up is that i just recently cut my hair this short like in the picture of Lucy Hale. Short hair is amazing, it feels great, especially when its easier to maintain and cutting off all the dead hair because i bleached my hair then put the color purple in my hair and went back to black and you can imagine how ugly it felt. When i cut my hair, it felt so much better and it feels like a fresh start because i had the same long hair and haircut since freshman year so i'm like you know what  i need to cut it but i want something different and honestly it was the best decision i made only for $15. so if you ever want to cut your hair, don't be afraid of what others think and be a risk taker like i was when i decided to get a haircut. If you want to see the stages of my hair you can follow me on instagram @_athiena. thanks for reading my blogs it means so much to me.


Product Development

 I learned that when you make a product you need to make sure that every detail is perfect because in the end you will have to sign that everything is the way its supposed  to be. To get the best quality and materials, you can't leave out any detail of how you want the product and you might have to be willing to pay more for a manufacturer that has better knowledge of making it. When you start making a product and its out there it would be a good idea to get it patented because some makeup company or stranger might take credit for the work, when you go to get a attorney you have to pitch the product to them before they can patent the product.


What is fast fashion?

 Fast fashion is a type of way that fashion houses use factories to get them to make a garment a certain way. The technique they use to make cheap fashion happen is to put the recycled material into the clothes.


Eco Friendly Clothing

I think fashion houses are behind on sustainability because they think we want the latest trends now and fast and they weren't ready for change just yet because they are afraid it wont succeed. In the article i read, it says most people would rather buy a $15 shirt instead of a $46 shirt because its way to expensive when we can get a shirt just like that. I honestly don't think it will ever be solved as a problem because sustainability scares some of the big fashion houses, probably because they don't think it successful like i said before.🏪💰 The fashion houses probably don't want to spend more money then they already do.


In My Wildest Dreams

If nothing was stopping me to become something more like a singer, just like the boys from one direction, i would go for it. The only thing is..... i am afraid of being judged by millions of people around the world, i have stage fright and it sucks. But the thing i do to get myself over this stage fright is to post some video's of me singing on Musical.ly and it has helped me as a person to grow and work on my vocals. so whatever your dream is go for it don't let anyone stop you.


"Who, What, Wear."

 Don't we all hold on to those clothes that we never wear because we don't want to waste them, well i know i'm guilty of it. We all know that most of the clothes that don't fit us, we keep them just in case they fit us later on, but we really should let them go, right? well we don't have to because we can alter them so we can actually wear them or we can use them to be creative. You can up-cycle your clothes into other types of clothes.