
Black Friday

"Black Friday" wasn't originally for the sales after thanksgiving. It was on September 24, 1869 when the financial crisis happened,the U.S. gold market crashed. Two financiers, Jay Gould and Jim Fisk worked together and bought as much gold and hoped to bring up the price an d get some profit out of it. They didn't realize that it would finally unravel  and send the stock market into a free fall and everyone being left with bankruptcy. The story we hear now for "Black Friday" is  the most inaccurate version but it's always good to learn something new. I honestly think that back then it was a bad thing considering the history behind it, but now i don't think it is, sometimes it can become chaotic and dangerous which i think is kind of scary because there are some teenagers or children out that late and they can get hurt. there were a few times i was involved in black friday but i personally don't like it.        


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