
Halloween Fashion

I celebrate Halloween every year, this year i'm going to dress up like i always have. last year i was batman and a prisoner, in my freshman year i was a nerd. i haven't exactly chose a costume yet but i think i'm going to be a cat because cats are cute and it really is a last minute thing, don't judge me because we all have been in this situation where we procrastinate lol. I remember in my freshman year i didn't have a costume so i threw together a black skirt, black and gray flannel, pink plaid socks, black vans and fake glasses with white tape in the middle i even added freckles and curled my hair. so if i had some advice for a diy costume look to see what you have in your closet and go buy what you need if your missing something that isn't really expensive. I think halloween is the time to express who you really are s  go buy that costume that represents you or be creative and make your own costume.

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