
girls who wear boy clothes, boys who wear girl clothes

charbroil gas grill covers
People who say girls can't wear boy clothes and boys can't wear girl clothes are complete fools. I'm sorry for those who believe that it's wrong, but welcome to the new world because this is our generation and it is time we take a stand in what we believe and do what makes us comfortable. I am a girl and i love wearing boy clothes from time to time, and today is one of those days, in the very last photo i am wearing a guys t-shirt and i love it. It isn't wrong at all to wear the opposite sex clothes, we should be able to wear what we feel comfortable in, especially right now because we are going through an important time of our lives to prove we are all equal. I guess what i am trying to say is that we all should be helping each other instead of breaking us down. I hope from everyone reading this post you would be able to understand we are human beings that should be treated as equal and support each other.  


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