
Techniques and Struggles during my garment ensemble

Garments Merchandising

Since i have been in this class (Fashion design), i have learned new techniques and now that we are in our 2nd semester of this class we have been given a new challenge. We were to be asked to buy a pattern, fabric, and zippers or buttons for our next project, we were to make our own garment and doing so would be harder for us because we are basically on our own. This challenge was a good thing for all of us at the same time, we were able to ask our peers for help which saved us from making a mistake, but sometimes we did and that's ok because we learned from it. the struggles i came across with my garment were mostly from the thread bunching up or the straps to my garment not cooperating with me, but it was frustrating and usually when i feel myself getting flustered i would take a minute and breathe. I feel like ever since i've been in this class i have more respect for designers.

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