
History of Fashion

pinterest board - 1950's  my favorite clothing era is the 1950's, and you can take a look at the link for my Pinterest board. The reason i like the clothing for this era is the style. One particular style i love is the pin-up rockabilly. I know sometimes everyone hates a history lesson but i just love this era so much that maybe i should throw in some history. Princess Elizabeth became Queen πŸ‘ΈπŸ‘‘ at the age of 25 in 1951. The first Playboy Magazine was published in 1953. Rosa parks refuses to give up her seat on the bus in 1955. The civil rights movement, Dangers of the garrison state, balance of trade and more happened during this time that were social, political and economic. I feel like these events influenced the fashion during this era by making everyone feel confident and a bit more equal.

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